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smol compute - Privacy Focused Trading Tools Built for Apple Numbers

Trading Tools for
Apple Numbers

Trading Tools for
Apple Numbers

Trading Tools for
Apple Numbers

Track everything, with full privacy.

Track everything, with full privacy.

Track everything, with full privacy.

Optimized for privacy.

End-to-End Encryption.

End-to-End Encryption.

End-to-End Encryption.

smol compute is local-first , which means your data stays on your computer. Nothing is sent to external servers. If you choose to sync your data via iCloud to access it across devices, you can retain full privacy with end-to-end encryption .

Track all your trades.

Supports all assets listed on Yahoo Finance and CoinMarketCap .

Supports all assets listed on Yahoo Finance and CoinMarketCap .

Supports all assets listed on Yahoo Finance and CoinMarketCap .

smol compute builds on top of Apple's native integration of Yahoo Finance and CoinMarketCap data, ensuring robust and accurate price feeds are used to track your portfolio. This allows us to support virtually all stocks, ETFs, coins, and tokens, even the exotic micro-caps!

Import Your Trades From Exchanges

Download your trades from Binance, Kraken, and other exchanges as CSV files. Copy and paste them into the smol Formatter to instantly reformat your data to a neat, future-proof format that can be pasted right into the Trade Log of your smol Portfolio Manager.




Manage Multiple Accounts

Keep things separate while retaining an overview of your entire portfolio.
Accounts are the building blocks of your portfolio. Each account is tracked independently and is self-contained on a single sheet, with its own ROI chart, Trade Log, and Holdings Breakdown.

Portfolio-Wide Dashboard

Portfolio-Wide Dashboard

Portfolio-Wide Dashboard

The Dashboard pulls data from all your accounts to give you the full picture.
A panoply of widgets give you a visual report on your holdings and their performance.

ROI Charts

The ROI tab aggregates data from all your accounts and plots your entire portfolio’s performance on different charts. You can toggle popular benchmarks to add them the chart or add your own simply by entering tickers. Additional charts let you track your portfolio's BTC & ETH valuations over time and compare your ROI (return on investment) against BTC and ETH in addition to your return against the US dollar. This is done by keeping track of your portfolio's cost measured in these different currencies.


Quickly create multiple watchlists. Simply enter the tickers you wish to track to see your watchlists populate with stats. The Target MktCap Tool allows you to set a target market cap to see, for each asset in your watchlist, the X multiple that corresponds to this asset reaching your target market cap.

smol Portfolio Manager

Advanced multi-account portfolio manager and trading journal for Apple Numbers.

Import From Binance Coinbase Kraken to spreadsheet Portfolio Tracker

smol Formatter

Batch-import your trades from Binance and Kraken.

The smol Formatter instantly reformats your trading data to a clean, future-proof format that can be pasted right into the smol Portfolio Manager & the smol Portfolio Tracker.

_ reconciles nonstandard asset codes

_ normalizes all quotes to USD

_ handles fiat and crypto quotes

why we like it smol

We believe in data sovereignty. When you rely on third party services to store and process your data, that data is likely being collected, analyzed, and sometimes even lost.

Take note-taking apps. Millions have already migrated away from services like Evernote and Google Keep that store and analyze your personal data on their servers, to lightweight, local-first solutions like Obsidian. Storing your notes locally in plain text files puts you back in control of your sensitive data. Why should we feel any different about our financial data?

Unlike third-party services, smol compute allows you to retain full control over your trading data. Nothing is fed to an external server. We have no interest in your data. It's just spreadsheets, on your computer. Your trading data remains entirely private.